Meet the Team

David Williams


David implements effective settlement strategies of workers’ compensation, employers’ liability and general personal injury claims.  He frequently attends settlement negotiations at all levels and in all forums. He has managed thousands of such matters over the last 20 years.  David is known for his ability to implement effective settlement strategies that result in the fantastic outcomes for his clientele.

David has valuable knowledge and experience in workers’ compensation dispute resolution and a proven ability to negotiate the settlement of claims at any level obtaining the best possible outcome for all his clients.

David is well known for settling many several catastrophic claims. In the workers’ compensation arena, David has clearly demonstrated the ability to use the amendments to the Workers’ Compensation & Injury Management Act 1981 (WA) to the benefit of clients in the resolution and settlement of claims at an early stage. 

David has extensive knowledge and experience representing Plaintiff’s involved in motor vehicle accidents for over 20 years, David has also had experience in representing The Insurance Commission of WA as a Defence lawyer for motor vehicle accident claims.

Alison Hagan


Alison has had over 30 years experience in personal injury law, with 3 years experience in the United States as in-house attorney specialising in product liability claims.

Alison has also had extensive experience in mining claims both in Western Australia and the Northern Territory, the construction industry and also chemical exposure claims. She has also had numerous claims in the hospitality, transport and government authorities.

Alison has extensive experience in successful TPD Claims. Alison also has great negotiation skills with a practical approach.

Alexis Barton

Senior Associate

Alexis graduated from Notre Dame University with a Bachelor of Laws in 2010 and was admitted as a solicitor in April 2012. Alexis also holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of Western Australia (2006) and is a former Councillor for the City of Perth.

Alexis has over 11 years’ experience and her expertise in the following areas of practice:
  • Third Party Motor Vehicle Claims;
  • Catastrophic Motor Vehicle Claims;
  • Workers’ Compensation Claims;
  • Public Liability Claims;
  • TPD Claims; and
  • Income Protection Claims.

In addition to her experience as a Plaintiff lawyer, Alexis has over 5 years’ experience working as defendant lawyer, advising insurers and employers. Since joining DWL Legal team in November 2020, Alexis has been involved in negotiating settlements for clients, ranging from $10,000.00 to $10,000,000.00.

Erin Pash

Senior Paralegal

Erin is a Registered Agent under the Workers’ compensation and Injury management Act. She provides assistance with the day to day conduct of all claims and assists in the preparation of settlement. Erin can provide procedural advice on all personal injury claims.



Libby is a registered agent under the Workers’ Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 (WA), assisting primarily on insurance and personal injury matters. Currently in her final year of university, she is on track to become a practicing solicitor in the team in 2025.